Sharing what interests me
Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change model – widely used in substance misuse recovery – has powerful lessons for business change.
A colleague recently said: “I think you’ll like The Ready". They were right.
I love this video from Selena Resvani. It makes me even more optimistic about the future of work not being based around hierarchy.
When teams try to collaborate on a project, it often starts well, but it quickly dissolves into chaos and inaction and the only outcome of each meeting is ‘let’s have another meeting’. Bad times.
Founders of start-ups begin by doing what they love and what they are good at and loving what they do.
The beekeeper forgot to put the frames in this beehive, so the bees were free to build a structure that worked for them. This had natural ventilation, so the air could flow freely and maintain a stable temperature, and it also produced more honey in the space available.