Self-Organising: What can start-up founders learn from bees?
The beekeeper forgot to put the frames in this beehive, so the bees were free to build a structure that worked for them. This had natural ventilation, so the air could flow freely and maintain a stable temperature, and it also produced more honey in the space available.
Rather than develop a hierarchy – akin to the frames in the beehive – start-up founders can choose to adopt Self-Organising to create an organisational structure that is more aligned to the company’s purpose and maximises productivity.
This enables you – as the founder – to build a company that is less dependent on you for its value. The business runs itself, enabling you to continue doing what you love and what you're good at, unencumbered by bureaucracy and people management.
Is Self-Organising right for you? Well, I offer a free discovery call to help you find out.

With thanks to Sir David Attenborough for this photo.