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What is Lean Change?

What is Lean Change?

Lean Change is an innovative approach to managing organisational change that combines principles from Agile, Lean Startup, and Design Thinking. Inspired by Jason Little's 2014 book Lean Change Management: Innovative Practices for Managing Organizational Change, this approach challenges traditional change management methods by prioritising collaboration, experimentation, and adaptability.

The Double Diamond design approach – it works wonders!

The Double Diamond design approach – it works wonders!

To design the right solution, you first need to understand the problem. Enter: the Double Diamond.

Using the Bridges Transition Model to manage business change

Using the Bridges Transition Model to manage business change

If you're struggling to deliver change in your business, understanding the Bridges Transition Model can help steer you in the right direction...

Harry Levinson

All change is loss, and all loss requires mourning

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