‘Workshopper’ – an ugly word for a beautiful concept

I love discovering new words, and today’s find is 'workshopper'. With thanks to Jonathan Courtney.

At first glance, it simply describes someone who runs a workshop. But a more useful definition is:

'A facilitator who guides a group through a structured process to solve a problem.'

That’s me!

And isn’t this one of the key roles for anyone working in change?

Gone are the days when clients expect a change expert to swoop in and solve their problems for them.

Organisations now want to build internal change capability – harnessing the potential of their own people to tackle the challenges that change inevitably brings.

This approach fosters ownership and responsibility – making change more likely to stick.

‘Workshopper’ – an ugly word for a beautiful concept

Worth a read: The Workshopper Playbook by Jonathan Courtney.