I am an impacted stakeholder in a transformation programme – and I’m scared.

The programme is called ‘The New World Order’. It’s a large-scale transformation over which I have no control, yet it will dramatically change my life. I feel anxious, scared, and powerless.

Senior leaders are making decisions that deeply worry me. I understand why the change is happening, but I don’t align with it.

I see the rationale. The context and outcomes make sense – to them. But what about me?

The old system may have been flawed, but at least it’s familiar. I feel attached to it. I don’t want things to change.

Yet the changes are happening – fast – faster than I can process. And they are irreversible.

I feel the urge to resist, but what can I do? I don’t feel safe speaking up, because I may be overlooked for future opportunities. It feels easier to toe the line than to risk being ostracised.

I need to resist this change, but what can I do?

My advice to people in this situation is that you’re inevitably not alone. As a first step find like-minded people who feel the same way. And find a way for your collective fears and concerns to be heard. It’s much harder to ignore a group of people than an individual.

I am an impacted stakeholder in a transformation programme – and I’m scared.