How talking circles are supporting a healthier masculinity
Yesterday, I launched Men Listening – safe, supportive and confidential online groups for men to share what’s really go on for them at work – and feel heard.
Rather serendipitously a UK newspaper – The Observer – yesterday featured a piece "Speak up, man: how talking circles are supporting a healthier masculinity".
The author, Joel Golby, explained that across the UK, men are coming together in small groups to share, listen, and support each other in what are being called ‘men’s circles’ – spaces where men can talk openly about their lives – without judgment.
One of the organisers of these sessions Pasco Ashton, Executive Director of Men’s Circle, said "It’s a practice of telling the truth… a little space to see what comes up in silence when someone is really listened to."
The article highlighted the profound impact of these gatherings. Joel, who was initially sceptical, described how, after his turn to speak, he felt "lighter, better, unclenched, and relieved."
With suicide as the leading cause of death for men under 50 and many struggling with loneliness and unspoken mental health challenges, it seems good timing that this topic is getting coverage in a national newspaper.
Whether you’re curious, hesitant or ready to give Men Listening a go, I’m happy to have an initial conversation.